An information day dedicated to resource mobilization for the cultural and creative industries was held on December 9th at Hotel Africa. There is no need here to recall the ever-growing role played by culture in Arab society. A fundamental role insofar as it puts a stop to all forms of obscurantism or retrograde thinking and contributes to the education of future generations. The arts and culture thus allowing as many people as possible to become acquainted with universal notions such as tolerance, individual liberties, forgiveness, dialogue … Specialists in culture, law and accounting For this 20th edition, the JTC renew for the second time their partnership with Culture Funding Watch to support the dissemination of information on resource mobilization for cultural and creative industries in the MENA region. As such, this symposium is not only an exceptional opportunity to reflect on the existing funding mechanisms for cultural and creative projects in the region, but it is also an opportunity to learn about available funding opportunities and to meet national and international donors. International
Home JTC: How to define the notion of cultural financing in Tunisia?